
时间:2023-08-03 17:06:36 来源: 互联网

1、歌手:Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore


2、I"ve been living with a shadow overhead

3、I"ve been sleeping with a cloud above my bed

4、I"ve been lonely for so long

5、Trapped in the past, I just can"t seem to move on

6、I"ve been hiding all my hopes and dreams away

7、Just in case I ever need them again someday

8、I"ve been setting aside time

9、To clear a little space in the corners of my mind

10、All I wanna do is find a way back into love

11、I can"t make it through without a way back into love

12、Oh oh oh

13、I"ve been watching but the stars refuse to shine

14、I"ve been searching but I just don"t see the signs

15、I know that it"s out there

16、There"s gotta be something for my soul somewhere

17、I"ve been looking for someone to shed some light

18、Not somebody just to get me through the night

19、I could use some direction

20、And I"m open to your suggestions

21、All I wanna do is find a way back into love

22、I can"t make it through without a way back into love

23、And if I open my heart again

24、I guess I"m hoping you"ll be there for me in the end

25、There are moments when I don"t know if it"s real

26、Or if anybody feels the way I feel

27、I need inspiration

28、Not just another negotiation

29、All I wanna do is find a way back into love

30、I can"t make it through without a way back into love

31、And if I open my heart to you

32、I"m hoping you"ll show me what to do

33、And if you help me to start again

34、You know that I"ll be there for you in the end





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